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Level 6

IS2009 Standalone build does not match IDE.

Hello all,

I am seeing a very strange issue here that I have not been able to get a good answer for. I have upgraded an IS2008 InstallScript project to use IS2009 and likewise for the build scripts using the StandAlone build automation interface. I can build the project fine from the IDE however when attempting to build using ISCmdBld.exe the interface is attempting to upgrade the project.

Upgrading table _Validation
Upgrading table Binary
Upgrading table CheckBox
Upgrading table Property
Upgrading table ComboBox
Upgrading table Component
Upgrading table Control
Upgrading table Dialog
Upgrading table Directory
Upgrading table Feature
Upgrading table FeatureComponents
Upgrading table File
Upgrading table Font
Upgrading table ISAlias
Upgrading table ISAssistantTag
Upgrading table ISComponentExtended
Upgrading table ISComponentSubFolder
Upgrading table ISDRMFile
Upgrading table ISDRMFileAttribute
Upgrading table ISDRMLicense
Upgrading table ISDependency
Upgrading table ISDisk1File
Upgrading table ISDynamicFile
Upgrading table ISFeatureExtended
Upgrading table ISFeatureMergeModuleExcludes
Upgrading table ISFeatureMergeModules
Upgrading table ISFileManifests
Upgrading table ISIISAppPool
Upgrading table ISIISCommon
Upgrading table ISIISMetaData
Upgrading table ISIISWebServiceExtension
Upgrading table ISLanguage
Upgrading table ISLinkerLibrary
Upgrading table ISLocalControl
Upgrading table ISLocalDialog
Upgrading table ISLocalRadioButton
Upgrading table ISMergeModule
Upgrading table ISMergeModuleCfgValues
Upgrading table ISPathVariable
Upgrading table ISProObjectProperty
Upgrading table ISProductConfiguration
Upgrading table ISProductConfigurationProperty
Upgrading table ISRegistrySet
Upgrading table ISRegistrySetComponents
Upgrading table ISRelease
Upgrading table ISReleasePro
Upgrading table ISReleaseProDataAsFiles
Upgrading table ISReleaseProFeatureInclude
Upgrading table ISReleaseProOtherDiskFiles
Upgrading table ISReleaseProPreviousMedias
Upgrading table ISReleaseProReserveSpace
Upgrading table ISReleaseProperty
Upgrading table ISReleasePublishInfo
Upgrading table ISRequiredFeature
Upgrading table ISSQLConnection
Upgrading table ISSQLConnectionDBServer
Upgrading table ISSQLConnectionScript
Upgrading table ISSQLDBMetaData
Upgrading table ISSQLRequirement
Upgrading table ISSQLScriptError
Upgrading table ISSQLScriptFile
Upgrading table ISSQLScriptImport
Upgrading table ISSQLScriptReplace
Upgrading table ISScriptFile
Upgrading table ISSetupFile
Upgrading table ISSetupPrerequisites
Upgrading table ISSetupType
Upgrading table ISSetupTypeFeatures
Upgrading table ISShortcutComponents
Upgrading table ISStorages
Upgrading table ISString
Upgrading table ISVRoot
Upgrading table ISVRootAppMaps
Upgrading table ISVirtualDirectory
Upgrading table ISVirtualFile
Upgrading table ISVirtualPackage
Upgrading table ISVirtualRegistry
Upgrading table ISVirtualRelease
Upgrading table ISVirtualShortcut
Upgrading table ISWebSite
Upgrading table ISXmlElement
Upgrading table ISXmlElementAttrib
Upgrading table ISXmlFile
Upgrading table ISXmlLocator
Upgrading table Icon
Upgrading table InstallShield
Upgrading table ListBox
Upgrading table ListView
Upgrading table MsiPatchOldAssemblyFile
Upgrading table MsiPatchOldAssemblyName
ISDEV : error 5001: Failed to resolve a field value.
Upgrading table RadioButton
Upgrading table Registry
Upgrading table Shortcut
Upgrading table TextStyle
Upgrade completed with 1 errors, 0 warnings

and it fails. It produces a .ism.768 file.

Now for the really strange part... When I reopen the project in the IS2009 IDE I get:

This project was created using a previous version of InstallShield and must be converted. A backup copy of your original project file will be made at ...\.ism.766.

Do you want to convert the project?
Yes No

Once I convert it, again, the IDE performs an upgrade

Upgrading table _Validation
Upgrading table Binary
Upgrading table CheckBox
Upgrading table Property
Upgrading table ComboBox
Upgrading table Component
Upgrading table Control
Upgrading table Dialog
Upgrading table Directory
Upgrading table Feature
Upgrading table FeatureComponents
Upgrading table File
Upgrading table Font
Upgrading table ISAlias
Upgrading table ISAssistantTag
Upgrading table ISComponentExtended
Upgrading table ISComponentSubFolder
Upgrading table ISDRMFile
Upgrading table ISDRMFileAttribute
Upgrading table ISDRMLicense
Upgrading table ISDependency
Upgrading table ISDisk1File
Upgrading table ISDynamicFile
Upgrading table ISFeatureExtended
Upgrading table ISFeatureMergeModuleExcludes
Upgrading table ISFeatureMergeModules
Upgrading table ISFeatureSetupPrerequisites
Upgrading table ISFileManifests
Upgrading table ISIISAppPool
Upgrading table ISIISCommon
Upgrading table ISIISMetaData
Upgrading table ISIISWebServiceExtension
Upgrading table ISLanguage
Upgrading table ISLinkerLibrary
Upgrading table ISLocalControl
Upgrading table ISLocalDialog
Upgrading table ISLocalRadioButton
Upgrading table ISMergeModule
Upgrading table ISMergeModuleCfgValues
Upgrading table ISPathVariable
Upgrading table ISProObjectProperty
Upgrading table ISProductConfiguration
Upgrading table ISProductConfigurationProperty
Upgrading table ISRegistrySet
Upgrading table ISRegistrySetComponents
Upgrading table ISRelease
Upgrading table ISReleasePro
Upgrading table ISReleaseProDataAsFiles
Upgrading table ISReleaseProFeatureInclude
Upgrading table ISReleaseProOtherDiskFiles
Upgrading table ISReleaseProPreviousMedias
Upgrading table ISReleaseProReserveSpace
Upgrading table ISReleaseProperty
Upgrading table ISReleasePublishInfo
Upgrading table ISRequiredFeature
Upgrading table ISSQLConnection
Upgrading table ISSQLConnectionDBServer
Upgrading table ISSQLConnectionScript
Upgrading table ISSQLDBMetaData
Upgrading table ISSQLRequirement
Upgrading table ISSQLScriptError
Upgrading table ISSQLScriptFile
Upgrading table ISSQLScriptImport
Upgrading table ISSQLScriptReplace
Upgrading table ISScriptFile
Upgrading table ISSetupFile
Upgrading table ISSetupPrerequisites
Upgrading table ISSetupType
Upgrading table ISSetupTypeFeatures
Upgrading table ISShortcutComponents
Upgrading table ISStorages
Upgrading table ISString
Upgrading table ISVRoot
Upgrading table ISVRootAppMaps
Upgrading table ISVirtualDirectory
Upgrading table ISVirtualFile
Upgrading table ISVirtualPackage
Upgrading table ISVirtualRegistry
Upgrading table ISVirtualRelease
Upgrading table ISVirtualShortcut
Upgrading table ISWebSite
Upgrading table ISXmlElement
Upgrading table ISXmlElementAttrib
Upgrading table ISXmlFile
Upgrading table ISXmlLocator
Upgrading table Icon
Upgrading table InstallShield
Upgrading table ListBox
Upgrading table ListView
Upgrading table MsiEmbeddedUI
Upgrading table MsiPatchOldAssemblyFile
Upgrading table MsiPatchOldAssemblyName
Upgrading table RadioButton
Upgrading table Registry
Upgrading table Shortcut
Upgrading table TextStyle
Upgrading Windows Mobile functionality where necesssary
Upgrade completed with 0 errors, 0 warnings

and I can build from the IDE with no issues.

I have searched the forums and Knowledge Base to no avail. I have confirmed that I am running IS2009 SP2 for both the IDE and standalone engine and the ISSetup.dll versions for both are

Anyone run into this before?


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Level 6

Just wondering if anyone has run into this. Any insight would be helpful.


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