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Level 3

How to remove obsolete files while upgrade installation with InstallScript project?

I wont to create an InstallScript Release to update a previous  installation. 

I use the full release option described in no. 5. Whenn adding files, this files will be installed. But when removing files, this obsolet files remains in the target folder. 


Is there a way to remove this obsolete files?


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(2) Replies
Level 6

 In OnMaintUIBefore() event use DeleteFile function to remove file during upgrade. 

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Thanks for the answer.

I have probably formulated my question inaccurate. I have an InstallScript project. I want to create an upgrade installation for my product. By upgrade, I mean that a version jump occurs. During installation, all old files, shortcuts, etc. should be removed first. After that, the new files should be installed. How can I accomplish this task with an InstallScript project? There has to be an easy way.

Thank you in advance

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