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How to read Installation Directory in VBScript and PowerShell Script? I need both as I use in different Installers

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How to read Installation Directory in VBScript and PowerShell Script? I need both as I use in different installers.

I have default directory where my app gets installed. But during installation wizard, if user changes default installation directory I want to use that new directory to run a powershell/VBScript file located in where my app is going to sit as the script files are going to be there...

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Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

Hi @chilakamarthi81,

Thank you for your post.

Please accept our apologies for the delayed response.

The following response applies to only the following project types:

Basic MSI
InstallScript MSI

The documentation at the following link discusses how to get and set INSTALLDIR via a VBScript custom action:

For a PowerShell custom action, you could try the PowerShell cmdlets discussed in the documentation at the following link:

Please give these suggestions a try. Do they work for you?

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks!

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(1) Reply
Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

Hi @chilakamarthi81,

Thank you for your post.

Please accept our apologies for the delayed response.

The following response applies to only the following project types:

Basic MSI
InstallScript MSI

The documentation at the following link discusses how to get and set INSTALLDIR via a VBScript custom action:

For a PowerShell custom action, you could try the PowerShell cmdlets discussed in the documentation at the following link:

Please give these suggestions a try. Do they work for you?

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks!

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