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Level 4

How to create compressed msi, with files included.

Hi all, first sorry, but i speak very bad english...

I try to explain me:

I want to create compressed msi. This msi remplace files in the computer when i install it...

I create a msi project, i use files and folder to remplace the files and i buildt the project...
After this i execute the msi and it works fine because is in the originall directory...
The problem is i move the msi from the original directory, this doesnt find the files to remplace and crash, is for that, i need include the files in to the msi(compress the files in the msi)...

I have make word count sumary in 2, and doesnt works..

Waht is the most easy form to create msi compressed==???

Thanks all ¡¡¡
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(2) Replies
Level 4

Resume, how to add the files in the msi file????
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Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

You can create a compressed MSI (assuming you are working with a Basic MSI project) by using the following settings in the Release Wizard:
- Media type: network image
- Release configuration: compress all files
- Setup launcher: uncheck Create installation launcher (setup.exe)

All other settings can be left at their defaults.
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