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Level 4

How to check for nodejs from installshield?

We have a specific version of nodejs msi with us.How to create it as a prerequisite for the installscript msi project of installshield with a condition such that this should skip the installation of nodejs as prerequisite if the same or higher version of nodejs already installed.

More generic way, how to check if any msi installed from prerequisites section of installshield and if possible with product code so that we can check any version of it.

Also any option to frame a condition in the prerequisites to install if the version on the system is less than the version we specify

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(2) Replies
Level 6

You need to do custom prerequisite (PRQ) to install NodeJS.msi as prerequisites to your product.
Open Prerequisite editor and create custom prerequisite.

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Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

You need to create your Prerequisites using the msi for node.js you have and then use the prq in your project, 

For higher version installed validation, you need to use proper condition for your Prerequisites, Please refer below KB link on how to create a prq files

Also you can refer our existing VC++ 2017 or VC++ 2019 prq files how the condition are created for a specific file.

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