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Level 2

How to Preventing wrong install for 32bit version & 64 bit version.

Dear Everyone. Thanks in advance.

I'm work for developing an add-in application installer which will be installed onto main application framework.
Main products above mentioned has two version, the one is 32bit version and the other is 64bit. Each version can't co-exist on one PC, so user must choose one version whether 32bit or 64bit.
The above mentioned is just premise.

My job is providing add-in applications installer which will be installed onto above main application’s framework.
I already created both 64bit version and 32bit versions add-in application installers.
Each of them seemed to work fine, but they are including one problem.

The below is my current problem:
If I'll try to install 32bit version add-in installer onto 64bit main application frame work, it doesn’t show any error message. It is not good. Main application’s version and add-in version should be same one. (In other words, if main framework is 64bit, user should launch 64bit version add-in installer onto its PC)
I want to the preventing function before installing started.

Now, I just suppose the main application registry key may be the flag.
Thy have differences between 32bit has been installed or 64bit has been, like below

For 32bit: \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\xyz.2010.1
For 64bit: \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\xyy.2010.1.64

I estimate those registry keys may be the flag to prevent wrong install.
But I’m not sure how to use them on the install shield 2011 application.

I want to implement the stop installing function with showing pop-up message , if user will choose wrong version and launch its installer.

Do you have any good idea for them?
If you have any knowledge for it, could you share with me?
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,
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Level 2

Thanks everyone.
It seemed to be resolved by myself with using install script.

Anyway, thanks.
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