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Level 6

How to Install Different Versions of Same Product?


I use IS Express to create a setup for my program(version 1.0). Then install the 1.0 version on my computer.

Later, my program is upgraded to version 2.0. So I create a new setup for my program(version 2.0).

Now I want to install the 2.0 version on my computer, but do not overwrite the existing 1.0 version. How can I do that?

When I try to run the setup.exe for 2.0 version, it will said the product has already been installed and I should use Repair/Uninstall to maintance it. So it will not allow me to install the version 2.0 at all.

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(2) Replies

Hi @alancc,

 If you want to coexist your two product version on the same system,  you can change the product code and the install directory for the version 2 project. 

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Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

You'll have to change the Upgrade GUID as well. So in total you will need to change the following:

  • Upgrade Code
  • Product Code
  • Package Code
  • Version Number
  • Installation Location


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