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Level 7

Filenames with Japanese characters are corrupted during build or install (basic MSI)

I have an installer which includes a number of files with Japanese translated names (hence Japanese characters). I'm running 2013 Premier which is supposed to support Japanese among other languages for installation. However, upon installation on a Japanese Windows VM (Win 7 x64 or Win 8 / 8.1), these filenames have apparently been butchered. What ends up coming out are filenames that look like this: (apparently they can't be copy/pasted, but picture 4 rectangles squeezed together)

I checked to see how these files are treated in the Direct Editor in IS. The FileName(s255) and ISBuiuldSourcePath(s255) tables show the Japanese, though the File(s72) key field is unable to handle these, so all the keys end up as something like "File5".

This is quite a serious issue for our Japanese localized version which we plan to release soon.

Any advice would be appreciated.
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(3) Replies
Level 6 Flexeran
Level 6 Flexeran

Try applying the InstallShield 2013 service pack 1 if you haven't already and see if that resolves the issue.
0 Kudos
Level 4

Did you set the "Build UTF-8 Database" to yes?
0 Kudos
Level 7

It looks like the "Build UTF-8 Database" release setting was our problem. Thanks for the help!
0 Kudos