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Level 5

Dynamic file linking and advanced exclude


I have several files with the same name in my application. Of course they are located in the different folder. Is there a way to exclude one file (eg A.txt) and keep remaining files (also A.txt) from the dynamic linked folder? Or maybe there is a way to pass location of the file into the pattern?

To summarize:


I liked Root folder and I would like to exclude A.txt from the FolderA and keep A.txt from the FolderB. I know I could create 2 dynamic links (one for FOdlerA and one for FolderB) and only exclude the one from the FolderA but in reality there might be hundrets of folders out there.

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(1) Reply
Flexera Alumni

I don't think there's a way to specify that kind of exclusion in the dynamic file link dialog box.

InstallShield ships with an Automation Interface sample for programmatically creating components and adding file links (in InstallShield\2010\Samples\WindowsInstaller\Automation Interface Files\Add Files and Components\), which might be useful if setting up a source/staging area similar to the deployed directory shape isn't an option...
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