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Level 3

Dutch LicenseAgreement-dialog shows text ##IDS__AgreeToLicense_0## on radiobutton

Dear Support,

I do have the following problem with a multilingual Basic MSI Project:

On the RadioButtons 'AgreeToLicense1' and 'AgreeToLicense2' the following texts are shown when running the installation when the Dutch-language is selected in the Language Selection dialog:
##IDS__AgreetoLicense_0## and ##IDS__AgreetoLicense_1##

In the designer the standards texts are shown:
'Ik ga &niet akkoord met de voorwaarden van de licentieovereenkomst.' and 'Ik &ga akkoord met de voorwaarden van de licentieovereenkomst.' and they are related to the following string identifiers: IDS__AgreeToLicense_0 and IDS__AgreeToLicense_1

When I select the English language the strings of the radiobuttons are fine (it occurs only in the Dutch dialog of the LicenseAgreement).

Is there a workaround for this issue (in InstallShield Premier 2015 SP1 this issue does not occur).
I am working with Microsoft Windows 10 (with the latest updates installed)

Kind Regards,

Thierry Knijff
Software Engineer
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(1) Reply
Level 3

This is already fixed by InstallShield with hotfix of
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