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Level 6

Directory path from InstallChangeFolder not showing


I added a directory picker to my SQLLogin dialog (I attach the pic of the dialog). I used indirect property ([_BrowseProperty])in the directory path TextBox.

I set the initial value for the directory path TextBox (say, C:\Database). Ideally the path "C:\Database" should appear in the TextBox when the SQLLogin loaded for the first time, but it didn't. The path will appear after I click the "Change" button and "OK" button on the directory picker dialog.

Is it a normal behavior or something I've done wrong? Any workaround on how to make the initial path to appear in the TextBox? Everything works fine except this small issue.

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(1) Reply
Level 6

OK I ended up using Label instead of a Text Box for browsing directories. If users want to use directory in remote computer which they can't browse, they can type it themselves.
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