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Level 3

Custom Powershell Shortcut


Using InstallShield 2009, installscript project. I want to create a customized shortcut to powershell which looks like the standard microsoft powershell console when invoked. This means I have to change various properites on the shortcut such as the background color and the default width and height.

I have created a shortcut that works exactly like I want it, but how do I get this custom shortcut into my project and have it installed in the start menu? Also, I will need to update the shortcut target to include some command line options for files that were installed. I just need a shove in the right direction as far as the right approach to the problem.
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Level 3

Well, I solved it by adding some placeholder shortcuts to my install project, then during the install I copy some pre-created .lnk files from the supportdir overwriting the installed shortcuts. The pre-created shortcuts have all the console properties set the way I want.

These are shortcuts to the installed powershell.exe with a commandline parameter to run a script that was installed by my installer on startup. So I have to run a VB script to update the target on the shortcut to point to the right startup script path..

Surely there is a better way?
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