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Level 4

Creating installer with large file hierarchy generates warning -6653

I am creating a setup that includes a large file hierarchy (lot of folders containing 3rd party DLLs and other files).

I create a simple Basic MSI Project and in the "Project Assistant", I drop in my file hierarchy and start building the setup.

I get the following warning:


I tried doing the same thing from the installation designer by using the component wizard and it will create myriads of components.

I tried to manually manage my components and using "Dynamic File Linking" to add the files to the project, but since I cannot create a shortcut when using that ( I am not certain it is the best way to do it.

I tried using a component with "dynamic file linking" on everything except the files that will need a shortcut; that seems to be the best way to work this out


What is the "best practice" when wanting to create a setup that contains a big file hierarchy that will create LOT of components?

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(4) Replies
Technical Writer
Technical Writer

Dynamically linking everything that can be is one way. The error is caused by having too many components tied to a feature, so another option is to break down the components into different features instead of tying them all to one. This can be done from the Setup Design section on the Installation Designer tab.
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Level 6 Flexeran
Level 6 Flexeran

The best practices for creating components can be found here:

In order to work around the 1600 components per feature limit, consider adding additional features to your InstallShield project and then divide the components among those features.
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Level 4


I will look into that.

0 Kudos
Level 4


I created multiple features for the large file hierarchy and fixed the -6653 warning.

It will be a little more complex to maintain the setup project for other people (less technical), but with good documentation (writing it right now) will make things clearer at the end when they will not see errors and warning when build the project.


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