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Level 6

Creating a custom dialog with InstallScript

I am confused on what would be the best option to create a custom dialog. I'm not sure whether to create a brand new custom dialog or modify one of the SD dialogs.

Second, if I modify an existing dialog where do I put that code? (i.e. CtrlGetText("CustomDialog", 1000, svEdit))
Do I create a new .rul file?
Is there a complete example of a custom .rul file you can direct me to?

I need a dialog similiar to one of the existing dialogs, plus maybe an extra text box. Then I need another dialog that implements a list box from user interaction.
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(3) Replies
Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

The help library topic "Using InstallScript to Implement Custom Dialogs" describes the basic script code that needs to be implemented for a new dialog.

For existing dialogs, you can use the event dropdown in the InstallScript view (Dialog Source) to add the code for an existing InstallScript dialog. The code can then be modified as needed to support new controls or change the behavior of the dialog.
0 Kudos
Level 6

Thank-you, I'm making progress by following the Help Topic.
I have a CustomDialog.rul file with the following
prototype NUMBER CustomDialog( );

#define TEXT1_INPUT 1302
#define GROUPBOX 1301

function NUMBER CustomDialog()
EzDefineDialog("CustomDialog", ISUSER, "CustomDialog",1302);

I have added the following to my Setup.Rul after the Dlg_Welcome
nResult = CustomDialog();

Yet, my dialog does not display. Any thoughts ?
0 Kudos
Level 6

Never mind, it looks like I solved my own stupidity 🙂 just getting used to the scripting language, and all the examples. I need to implement the WaitOnDialog loop for it to display.

Thanks for your help
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