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Level 2

Cannot launch an app in supportdir during Uninstall


I need to launch a separate application (SETUP2.EXE) during Installation and Uninstallation. I placed the SETUP2.exe file in SUPPORTDIR. There is no problem to launch the program during Installation. However, during Uninstallation, I noticed and confirmed that the SETUP2.exe program is being deleted first before it can be launch using (LaunchAppAndWait (szProgram, "", WAIT) < 0).

Can anyone help me how to modify my Installscript? I tried copying the SETUP2.exe program to another folder like C:\WINDOWS\TEMP but it still ended up being deleted during the uninstallation process. 😞


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Level 3

I'm seeing the same thing, using InstallShield 2010. I can see the my files under SUPPORTDIR when installing, but not during uninstall.
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