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Level 7

Accessing Files in the GAC via a Custom Action

I have a project that includes a couple of MergeModules in it.

Until today one of the merge modules contained some .NET assemblies and another contains an MMC SnapIn that must be installed using InstallUtil. I had my code working fine, where I was issuing the InstallUtil command in an InstallScript Custom Action, running deferred in System Context, after the MsiPublishAssemblies event.

Starting now, the .NET assemblies that were in the directory with the SnapIn dll will be signed and in the GAC instead. The issue that I'm finding is that no matter how late I schedule the custom action that calls InstallUtil, the assemblies are not available yet, even though MsiPublishAssemblies has already run. The shared assemblies in the GAC appear to become available at the Install Finalize event.

Can anyone shed some light on what I can do here to fire off my command?

These assemblies were written by someone else and I'm simply writing the install, so re-doing the assemblies is not a realistic option for me.

Thanks for any suggestions you can make
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Level 7

I found the answer on another message board.

Adding an "InstallExecute" action after the MsiPublishAssemblies action, but before my custom action, causes the assemblies to be available to my action. I was able to do this in the MergeModule that contains the custom action that calls InstallUtil, so the MergeModule remains portable. 🙂
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