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Level 2

4-digit Major version prefix to 2-digit issues

Hello everyone,

We had recently changed our version scheme with our product to 2015.xx.xxxx

We have a custom build utility that automates our build, so without thinking much about it, we changed the version number to the ISWIProject object in our build utility and went on with it. We now realize that installshield only supports up to 255 for the first two digits of the version, which we have already made adjustments to our build utility to truncate the first two digits (15.xx.xxxx) before it passes it to the Installshield object.

Our main issue that we are having now, is with those who have installed a previous build with the 2015 up front. We want installing a fresh build to overwrite the existing install for the product. Instead, windows is creating another control panel entry for the 15.xx.xxxx builds, and the previous 2015.xx.xxxx version has to be manually removed through control panel.

I understand the prefix of the version number going to 4 digits will affect how windows compares versions, but does anyone have any good ideas that we can incorporate into the install so that the 15.xx.xxxx will upgrade on top of the 2015.xx.xxxx install without creating another Programs entry in control panel?

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You could create a major upgrade that completely removes the 2015.x.x.x version if its detected. This would save your Users having to manually remove that version first.
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