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Level 2

2014 Express Evaluation MSI can only be installed via setup.exe message


I have a Visual Studio 2012 solution set to build into a Single Image. In InstallShield I have set a SingleImage release on the Releases view, with Compression and SetUp Launcher set to Yes. The problem is when I try to install by double clicking the setup.exe, after the msi has been extracted, it tries to start installing but then the message pop ups 'This MSI can only be launched via SetUp.exe' and then the msi ends without completing the install. Is this because I'm using an evalution copy or is there something else going on? I can install from VS without any problems and then Repair,modify,Remove from my install but I'd like to test double clicking setup.exe before purchasing.


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Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

The message you mention is only included in a build from an evaluation version of InstallShield. It should only occur in scenarios that are not supported by the terms of our evaluations, but the message is not present if you build from a non-evaluation version of InstallShield.
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