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Level 4

how to change the status text

I want to know how can we change the status text "installing..." to any text we want. Such as "My status text".
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(4) Replies
Level 20

AFAIK this is not possible...
0 Kudos
Level 4

pv7721 wrote:
AFAIK this is not possible...

how about
there is a method setProgressStatusText()
however, i do not know how to use it.:mad:
0 Kudos
Level 3

Gaoyuan Lv wrote:
I want to know how can we change the status text "installing..." to any text we want. Such as "My status text".

Acresso should really fix this 'feature'. We, as install dev, want to use whatever we want there. This is where a custom InstallAction would be really nice, but we know IA is only for a simple installer.....

A workaround:
Go to IA_HOME->resource->i18nresources->custom_en and
set this key

to empty string

Rebuild and you should be good to go.

Caution: You might want to make sure that no other install team is using that installed IA, if you have a shared build environment. Otherwise, "Installing..." string will disappear from their installer...
0 Kudos
Level 4

aaa123 wrote:
Acresso should really fix this 'feature'. We, as install dev, want to use whatever we want there. This is where a custom InstallAction would be really nice, but we know IA is only for a simple installer.....

A workaround:
Go to IA_HOME->resource->i18nresources->custom_en and
set this key

to empty string

Rebuild and you should be good to go.

Caution: You might want to make sure that no other install team is using that installed IA, if you have a shared build environment. Otherwise, "Installing..." string will disappear from their installer...

thanks, i will have a try.
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