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Level 2

Windows 8 how to create (Icons / Links / Shortcuts) "startsreen"

How is it possible to create links or shortcuts on the startscreen of windows 8 or windows 8.1 ?????
I've just tried several cobinations "$WIN_COMMON_PROG ,,,$", "Shortcuts' Destination Folder", etc ....:confused::confused:
I want just some link on the startcreen to a bat - file.
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Level 5 Flexeran
Level 5 Flexeran


To create Link/Shortcut in Start Menu do the following :

For Installer (shortcut):
During installation select “In the Start Menu” in Choose Shortcut Folder panel (Typical Project). For other type of project add Panel: Choose Alias, Link, Shorcut Folder.

For Shortcut Links for Files/Exe:
1. In the project navigate to Sequence > Install> Add Action > Install > Add "Create Alias, Link, Shortcut" action.
2. In the property customizer of the above action ie Create Alias, Link, Shortcut, provide the Destination path to “Start Menu” from the dropdown list.

Only executable are displayed on the start menu screen(screen which comes when Windows key is pressed) of window 8 and above.

Utsab Karmakar
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