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Level 6

How to manually change the Locale message for action CheckDiskSpace?


During Pre-Install Phrase, the installer will add action com.zerog.ia.installer.actions.CheckDiskSpace as the last step. And I found if the machine didn't have enough space, a panel will shown up with warning message. But the action object ID couldn't be found in the project xml and I don't know how to add the message string in locale file to customize the message. And also the "Cancel" button is disabled, I don't know how to enable it.

Could anyone help this?
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(1) Reply
Level 6


Thanks for your clarifcation. It's very helpful for me.

As you can see from the attached screen shot, I hit the warning panel for "Not Enough Disk Space". In the panel, it said I can choose cancel button to cancel the installtion but actually the cancel button is disabled. Although I can use shortcut "Alt+F4" to continue but I want to make it better. So I want the solution is change the locale message to "You have to click previous button and then cancel the installation by cancel button" or enable the cancel button in the panel.

Do you have any advice to this? Thanks very much!
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