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Level 3

Getting Error in IA - No VM Pack files exist in this directory

but one more error is coming[buildinstaller] __________________________________________________________________________
[buildinstaller] No VM Pack files exist in this directory
[buildinstaller] BuildInstaller: Asked to load /home/jenkins/***temp-hospira-mmu.iap_xml
[buildinstaller] Copying /home/jenkins/***/temp-hospira-mmuBuild.iap_xml. Using copy for build.
[buildinstaller] Original project unchanged
[buildinstaller] XMLScriptReader: unable to parse the provided script file.  File may have been invalid...
[buildinstaller] java.lang.NullPointerException
[buildinstaller]        at Source)
[buildinstaller]        at Flexeraaom.aa(Unknown Source)
[buildinstaller]        at Flexeraaef.bp(Unknown Source)
[buildinstaller]        at Source)
[buildinstaller]        at Source)
[buildinstaller]        at Flexeraaef.bx(Unknown Source)
[buildinstaller]        at Source)
[buildinstaller]        at InstallAnywhere.main(Unknown Source)
[buildinstaller]        at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
[buildinstaller]        at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
[buildinstaller]        at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
[buildinstaller]        at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
[buildinstaller]        at com.zerog.lax.LAX.launch(Unknown Source)
[buildinstaller]        at com.zerog.lax.LAX.main(Unknown Source)
[buildinstaller] ============================================================
[buildinstaller] The project /home/jenkins/***/temp-hospira-mmu.iap_xml could not be loaded.
[buildinstaller] Terminating build.
[buildinstaller] ============================================================
[buildinstaller] Usage: InstallAnywhere [ flags ] [ file | [ options ] ]
[buildinstaller] Description:
[buildinstaller] Please use the supplied 'build' executable to build from the command line.
[buildinstaller] If no options are specified InstallAnywhere launches in GUI mode.
[buildinstaller] If a file is specified InstallAnywhere launches in GUI mode loading the project.
[buildinstaller] The flag is:
[buildinstaller]    -a        Launch InstallAnywhere Advanced Designer
[buildinstaller] The options are as follows:
[buildinstaller]    -?        Show this help text
[buildinstaller]    -v        Print product version
[buildinstaller] Example, launch InstallAnywhere with no project:
[buildinstaller]    %InstallAnywhere
[buildinstaller] Example, output InstallAnywhere version:
[buildinstaller]    %InstallAnywhere -v
[buildinstaller] Example, launch InstallAnywhere with MyProduct project:
[buildinstaller]    %InstallAnywhere MyProduct.iap_xml
[buildinstaller] InstallAnywhere has experienced an error building/saving this project.
[buildinstaller] InstallAnywhere has experienced an error building/saving this project.  Please consult the build log (console.txt) for additional information concerning this problem.  For further assistance, please contact InstallAnywhere Technical Support.
[buildinstaller] EXITING: 100

Total time: 2 minutes 3 seconds

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(3) Replies
Level 6


Could you please share the below information :
OS Version, Java Version/VM pack used, InstallAnywhere version and information on the command used/how you are launching InstallAnywhere.  Also attach the console.txt found in InstallAnywhere installation folder and the screen shot of the InstallAnywhere Build configuration tab as seen in the WithVM.png attached.

Could you please also try using the build executable found in InstallAnywhere home folder to build from command line (Eg: build.exe <path\project.iap_xml>) and attach the details shown in the console.

0 Kudos


For me in windows its working fine but while running in docker we are getting this error. we are using. 

VM used - vm jre 11.0.16
lauching via terminal via docker build but we didnt get any info in console.txt.

Is there any way  to build using InstallAnywhere2022 path in jenkins using  docker .


0 Kudos
Level 3

Anyone please help me on this

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