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Level 3

Focus problems in User Input Panel on X redirection


We are using InstallAnywhere 2011 SP3 and have recently updated the bundled java from java 6 update 29 to java 7 update 5.
The problem we have now is, that during the installation process, in User Input Panels its not possible to click into the text-fields anymore. So, you have no chance on entering anything there.
Also the License Agreement takes really minutes to display!

This happens, when we install on linux / solaris machines, with the x redirected to Windows or linux desktop machines.

I have seen, that in java 7 there are some changes on the focus implementation. (See e.g.

How can this be solved, without going back to java 6?

Btw. I have seen some release notes on IA2011 SP4, that would also fix a bug we are currently running into. Where can I find the bits to download it. If I do a "check for updates" in Installanywhere it says no new versions found.

Thanks in advance.
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(3) Replies
Level 9

I do not know about your focus issues, but you may be able to download SP4 after login to this page:

0 Kudos
Level 3

Hello Jerome

Thanks for your reply. I was able to enter the downloadcenter with the link you mentioned. It seems, as we don't have a support contract, we cannot get the new SP4, and have to stick with SP3?

Concerning the focus problems, I founf out, that if you use the "Windowed mode with DWM", and the X11 server and DWM desktop are running in a container window, it is working.

This is not super nice, but at least somehow a workaround.

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Level 3


Just to finish this up, we found out, that this is a confirmed java bug. Easily reproducable by any swing application with JTextField and xming-Servers on Windows.

As a further workaround you can use:

Xnest :3 &) && DISPLAY=:3 /tmp/install.bin && killall Xnest

Best regards
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