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- Re: Example of Apple Notarization
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I'm having a heck of a time getting Apple Notarization to work with InstallAnywhere 2020. I've entered (what I think are) the right values into IA, but the resulting installer is refused by the Apple Notarization service. (I get errors like "The binary is not signed with a valid Developer ID certificate." and "The signature does not include a secure timestamp.")
Is there a reference example that shows how to get code-signing and notarization working starting from just a .jar and a Developer ID Application certificate?
Hi Christophe,
I have attached a .zip file to this comment which contains a script I have used to create a VM Pack for the macOS JRE downloaded as a .tar.gz file. This should allow you to create a VM Pack from the specific JRE version you would like to include with your installer. I hope this helps but please let me know if you have any questions about the script or what it is doing. Thanks.
Can you let me know if you are building a 'with VM' or 'No VM' installer. In our tests we have seen that notarization passes for an installer with the below VM pack
Seems the VM wizard tool doesn't work for this java distrib,("please select a valid path for jre..")
Is it possible to share directly the VM file please ?
Is it planned to update the list https://www.revenera.com/install/products/installanywhere/installanywhere-files-utilities/jre-vm-packs.html also ?
Yea, that's a problem too. I worked with Flexera Support to build figure this out and end up using a script that he provided.
The basic recipe is below:
- Copy OpenJDK11U-jre_x64_mac_hotspot_11.0.7.10.tar.gz to an empty directory
- Extract the .tar.gz file to that directory
- Make a directory named jre
- Move the Contents directory from the extracted .tar.gz file (jdk-11.0.7+10-jre/Contents) to the jre directory (jre/Contents)
- Make another directory named jre in the just moved jre/Contents/Home directory (jre/Contents/Home/jre)
- Copy everything inside the jre/Contents/Home directory to the inner jre directory (jre/Contents/Home/jre)
- Delete jre/Contents/MacOS/libjli.dylib
- Create a link in it's place: jre/Contents/MacOS/libjli.dylib --> jre/Contents/Home/jre/lib/jli/libjli.dylib
But then, the VM Pack Wizard doesn't handle the symbolic link... thus the need for a script to zip everything up.
I'll forward this message to the Flexera Support person I was talking to and ask him to post the script.
Hi Christophe,
I have attached a .zip file to this comment which contains a script I have used to create a VM Pack for the macOS JRE downloaded as a .tar.gz file. This should allow you to create a VM Pack from the specific JRE version you would like to include with your installer. I hope this helps but please let me know if you have any questions about the script or what it is doing. Thanks.
It works! Thanks!