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Foundation / CloudScape Forum

Forum Posts

Solved CloudScape - FlexDeploy

Hello, If I use FlexDeploy deployement architecture, how the view of this look like? Instead of will it be my IP address of the FlexDeploy like https://<IP Address>? And is there any sample picture?

Solved Download servers active processes list

I need to download a full list of active running processes and collateral infos like the ones in the Device Detail screen (App Name, Context, Runpath ....) for the entire scanned servers ?? Is there any available report or it must be build from scrat...

credentials for windows collection module

Hello,Can we use an domain user and grant remote access and some permissions instead of domain administrator to collect windows devices? If yes, please let me know details about needed permission.Another way is create a domain user and add to local a...

Monitor performance on scanned devices

Hello, I want to monitor performance on target devices while RN150 is discovery and collect performance data. Is there any process on target devices I can filter it to focus and check details? In case the collection consumes a lot of resources, how c...

Stack content synchronization

I want to be able to update cloudscape stack membership to reflect relationships from another inventory and only use "Build Stacks" for the leftovers (since doing this part is essentially "the hard way".     Problem:  While I can easily build an init...