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Reusing FlexeraNet Agent with Cloudscape


If we have FlexeraOne account, different FlexNet modules and FlexNet agent installed on our servers. Can we add Cloudscape features directly to our account, without updating the agent/collection? Or do I need install a new agent on my stack and wait for collection?

If Flexnet agent is enough, is there other step necessary before using cloudscape features?

Thank you !

(2) Replies
By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

The Cloudscape product generally does it own data gathering. The FlexNet inventory agent does not gather data for Cloudscape.

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By Level 2 Flexeran
Level 2 Flexeran


Chris is correct, Cloudscape has its own data gathering tool. You would need to install that tool and perform its collection to use the Cloudscape features. 


Jack Lonstein

Flexera Support Team

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