Flexera One’s SaaS Management now offers Microsoft Power BI extensible reporting for ServiceNow. The following new insights for analyzing ServiceNow subscriptions and allocations help identify license reclamation or downgrading opportunities.
The report, which uses the SaaS Management APIs, has been developed in partnership with our customers and product team to ensure that it provides the insights that enable improved governance and license management processes for complex ServiceNow environments.
In addition, the Microsoft Power BI report offers a mechanism to provide ServiceNow insights to those within your organization who do not use Flexera One's SaaS Management.
The report, which is attached to this article as a Power BI Template (PBIT), can be easily configured by providing:
SaaS Management URL Information Needed for Power BI Reporting |
Format |
Flexera One Org ID |
99999 |
Managed Application ID |
987654 |
When opening the PBIT file, you will be prompted for these values. For further details, see the following screenshot. After entering these values, your Power BI report will retrieve the data relating to the ServiceNow managed application you have supplied.
Test Mode
This has been added to allow you to be able to quickly load the report into the desktop designer. Setting this option to "Yes" will only import the first ten thousand users. When you publish the report to the Power BI service, you can change this parameter to "No" and all users within your ServiceNow instance will be imported.
on Sep 27, 2023 10:46 AM - edited on Aug 19, 2024 01:18 PM by dwampach1
When running this report in the APAC instance of Flexera One I am seeing a 400 Bad Request error when the sn_refresh_token function is being executed. This appears to be because the Content Type in the header of the AU specific URL is set to "x-www-form-urlencoded" and not "json".
After updating the content type, the sn_refresh_token correctly returns a valid bearer token.
Hi @MurrayPeters - I have updated the report and attached v3.5 to the KB article.
Please try this version and if you still see problems, contact me directly and we will help you resolve them.
After entering values into the parameters (refresh token, etc.) I get presented with another credentials screen and do not know what to select/enter. I tried various things but nothing seems to work and there are not any instructions on what should be entered.
Hi @king_nolan ,
Have you tried extending the drop down list and selecting the bottom item in the list and then choosing connect?
Also, does this prompt appear immediately or after a period of time approx. 60 minutes? if so, you may be encountering an issue with the size of your dataset and license query timeout restrictions.
@aswindells, it does not prompt right away. It runs through the query evaluation first. Maybe timeout is the issue, though I did have it in TEST mode initially so the data set should have been limited. It did error out eventually due to a duplicate value found in 'sn_licenses_details.displayName'.
Hi @king_nolan I can take a look at this for you, would you be comfortable sharing - via email - a refresh token, Org ID and Managed App ID so I can setup a report and check?
We have added some extra steps in for the duplicate licenses in an upcoming release and I will check it holds true for you at the same time.
Hi @king_nolan - I believe you have been speaking to John and now have this working?
@aswindells , Yes, this is working correctly now. We likely were getting hung up on a timeout of the API pulls. Further John had me verify we were using 'Anonymous' auth and set the privacy level to 'Public' for each data connection. Once published I updated the parameters in the PowerBI web service to take the report out of TEST mode. Thank you for following up.
I'm getting the error below. I had a previous version template reporting working. Any ideas? I've set all the permissions to public for the data sources.
Web.Contents failed to get contents from 'https://api.flexera.com/saas/v1/orgs/xxxxx/usage-over-time?view=extended' (500): Internal Server Error