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SaaS License entry

Hello. We currently don't have the SaaS add on module, just Flexera One.  Need some best practices for entering SaaS into Flexera.  I have 2 scenarios. 

1. Procurement negotiated a single price for the entire solution (platform, unlimited users for the software module and a fee for lead generation up to a certain amount of leads. Anything above that amount has a different fee structure). How do you enter this into Flexera to show consumption and/or is this possible.

2. Procurement negotiated a line item SaaS solution contract with a separate platform fee, a cost for the module and a cost for an add on module (per user). Do you recognize all of the fees or subtract out the platform fee since it is 1 cost for platform access, and then add the per user fee for each module as 1 cost and divide that by the number of users?

**Note - manual consumption needs to be entered by getting reports from the business since there is no consumption discovery.

Thank you for any help you can provide.


(2) Replies
By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

I understand you are not using the Flexera One SaaS Management module, but could you clarify what Flexera One module(s) you are  using?

If I'm following your query correctly it sounds like you're trying to manage SaaS with part of the system that is designed to manage something else, which may be difficult to do effectively.

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Thank you for your response. I worked with the account team and have my answer already.