Flexera configured our SCCM connector at install about 3+ years ago. I am trying to understand where the "last used date" comes from in Inventory/Inventory/All Inventory/Applications. Per the mapping Flexera provided us, it comes from the SCCM monthly summary. However. Per the article below, SCCM metering is no longer used. 1. Does our SCCM mapping/beacon have to be changed to remove this. 2. Where does the last used date come from if metering is no longer used...as I reached out to support and they are stating it only comes from setting up metering in SCCM. Below is the support article I found in the forum on this. Starting with the initial release of SCCM 2012, the Asset Intelligence module automatically captures the "Last Used Date" of any application and you do not need to configure the legacy "software metering" method to capture usage data. Basically, the main difference is that when you enable the legacy "software metering" method for a specific EXE, then SCCM will capture all of the details around the usage over time (number of launches and total run time). With Asset Intelligence/Last Used Date, SCCM does not capture usage over time, it only captures the "Last Used Date", (Recently Used Date in SCCM) Here is some old documentation on this: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/e95ccc2f-559a-43b2-afc9-dd9a0a3cb8da/difference-between-software-metering-and-recently-used-applications-in-sccm-2012?forum=configmanagersecurity The FNMS Adapter for SCCM will capture the "recently used date" from SCCM and show this as software usage without needing to enable software metering.
Aug 01, 2024 01:32 PM
We figured it out. 1. You do not need to use metering. The field populating last used date does come from SCCM. You pull up the device, initiate resource explorer, go to hardware, recently used applications. Flexera is pulling the data from the column "last used time"
Aug 02, 2024 02:51 PM
Usage details are read from the following tables/views in the SCCM database:
Take a look at the following page for some further details: Understanding and troubleshooting usage metering data imported from Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (SCCM).
Aug 01, 2024 06:16 PM
Thank you Chris. And just to confirm, will it capture usage even if metering is not turned on for the application?
Aug 02, 2024 04:56 AM
Yes it will. This is how our setup is, or at least was until recently. No metering enabled. Usage data comes from the recently used apps, although we have switched over to use the Flexera agent across the board now.
Aug 02, 2024 10:38 AM
Aug 02, 2024 11:35 AM
No, I'm saying that last used date comes from Recently Used Apps in SCCM. We used to use SCCM for inventory and this is how it worked for us, but we made a decision earlier this year to cease using SCCM and deploy the Flexera agent instead.
Aug 05, 2024 03:33 AM
We figured it out. 1. You do not need to use metering. The field populating last used date does come from SCCM. You pull up the device, initiate resource explorer, go to hardware, recently used applications. Flexera is pulling the data from the column "last used time"
Aug 02, 2024 02:51 PM