Is there an easy way to batch move licenses from one publisher to a new publisher name without manually going into each license to make the change?
‎Mar 18, 2022 08:54 AM
@mdh7768 - Yes, you can create a spreadsheet with 2 columns: The license name and the new publisher. Then, create a Business Adapter that reads the spreadsheet to match on Vendor and Software License and update the software license publisher.
‎Mar 18, 2022 09:28 AM
Can it be done as a manual upload using the one off import template?
‎Mar 18, 2022 09:30 AM
There is no template for this type of update, which is why you will need a Business Adapter.
‎Mar 18, 2022 09:37 AM
You can bulk edit multiple licenses of the same type in the web UI:
‎Mar 21, 2022 02:06 AM
I am on the all licenses tab. I select all licenses under a specific publisher. The Open button is not an option, only create a license . Is there a different step that needs to occur?
‎Mar 21, 2022 05:01 AM
The Open button will be disabled if you select multiple licenses with different types. Be sure to only select licenses with the same type and edit them together, then repeat the steps for the next type as I described above.
‎Mar 21, 2022 05:08 AM