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Level 2

Stopping and restarting individual FlexLM daemon in shared license file

We have the FLexLM license files for several technical software applications merged into one file, and these FLexLM licenses are served out through the same PORT@HOST.

One of our technical software applications crashes occasionally. When this happens the FlexLM software license is "held open" by the crashed application. We have pointed this out to the Vendor, however we have to work around the issue today.

We have tried stopping the individual daemon via the PC based FlexLM utilities, however whenever we do this FLexLM detects the other daemons running on the PORT@HOST, and then stops those daemons too.

Our Questions are :

(1) Can anyone tell us how to stop and restart an individual FlexLM daemon within a merged license file served out through the same PORT@HOST. Or is this not possible?

(2) Can an individual FlexLM daemon be stopped and restarted using the LMTools executable? If Yes, how?

(3) How do other people deal with multiple FlexLM daemons and licenses served out upon a PC network? DO you serve individual licenses out through separate ports, for example? Or so you set up individual virtual machines?


Nick Gibson
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(2) Replies
Level 2

Here is the PC command line (i,e. CMD) entry used to stop the relevant daemon.

lmdown -c licensefilepath -vendor daemonname

This took down all daemons present at that PORT@HOST.
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Flexera Alumni

A simple example (using v10.8 tools) seemed to work for me: take a license file containing licenses for two vendors, launch lmgrd with the combined license file, check out one feature for each vendor. The confirmation message for---

lmdown -c combined.lic -vendor vendor1

---suggested both vendor daemons would be stopped, but lmstat and the debug log showed the other vendor daemon was still running...
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