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FNPlicensingservice.exe flexnet publisher

what is the usage of FNPlicensingservice.exe

how is it and where is it created

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@efi_license  The location of this installer

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Macrovision Shared\FlexNet  Publisher\FNPLicensingService.exe


The FlexNet Licensing Service is an administrative proxy that runs on behalf of the user to perform system tasks where elevated privilege is required. It should be installed to enable the FlexEnabled application, the activation utilities (for trusted storage–based licensing), and the vendor daemon to operate correctly.


For trusted storage–based licensing, the FlexNet Licensing Service is mandatory. In addition, the FlexNet Licensing Service is required to enable the FlexEnabled application and the vendor daemon to access virtualization data (on Windows and Linux platforms only). The FlexNet Licensing Service

regularly polls the system to update virtualization data. Therefore, the FlexNet Licensing Service runs continuously. The virtualization poll interval is not configurable. 

To uninstall the FlexNet Licensing Service from a system where only one user of the service is registered

1. Enter the following at a command prompt from the <platform_dir> directory

uninstallanchorservice <vendor> ezcalc

where <vendor> is your vendor name.

2. You receive the following confirmation message:

Successfully uninstalled anchor service for publisher demo, product fnp Success code 2004: The installed service has been successfully removed from the system.

Best Regards,


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