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Level 2

Combine Triad Server with license file list configuration

I like to know if it is possible to split e.g. 100 Licenses to two FlexNet license server Triads.

The idea is to provide 50 licenses on Triad 1 and the other 50 licenses on Triad 2.

50% of the clients should be configured with "Triad1;Triad2" and the other 50% with "Triad2:Triad1"

In normal operation, the licenses are taken from Triad 1 and Triad 2 50:50.

But, in case e.g. Triad1 fails, the clients with "Triad1;Triad2" configuration would get a license from Triad2. Of course, if one Triad is down, we will have only 50 Licenses for all clients but better than to have no licenses available for critical applications.

Does someone know, if this is supported by FlexNet? I know, that it is supported by IBM Licensing but I haven't found such an example for Flexnet.


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Level 2

In meantime I got the info from our software vendor, that this configuration should work. We didn't test it, yet. But I guess, it could be a good solution to enhance the license availability especially when You are able to set up the two triads on different sites. When You spread the three license servers of one triad to different sites, there will be no license, when the WAN connection is interrupted.
With the double Triad configuration, each site will be able to obtain licenses in case the WAN connection is interrupted and in case, one triad fails completely!