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Level 6

Trouble understanding FNO Maintenances

We've been using FNE and with an FNO server for our software for a couple of years.   But our idea of maintenance has always been a manual, crude process because I frankly do not understand how FNO Maintenance Line Items work.   I need to make this easier on my company.  

(We do not use FNO software delivery so I am hoping that Maintenance Line Items are not only intended for that feature)

My problem is that even after re-reading through  the entire  "FNO User Guide", "Using FlexNet Operations", "Getting Started" and even reference, I still don't understand how I can use Maintenace.    

I see that "A maintenance is an unlicensed product that represents additional rights that a customer can purchase. " .   And there are instructions on how to create them and relate them to products.  There's even a diagram showing them alongside line items.  

But nowhere can I find a good description of how they work.  I can't find an example use case, an API to relate them or any sample code about them.

Is there further documentation (or a section of the manual) that I am missing somewhere?

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