If an installer or file evidence recognition rule is linked multiple times to an application, a red error bad error is shown in the UI when attempting to view the Evidence tab on the application, or the Applications tab on the evidence.
Logging in the webui.log file on the web application server of a FlexNet Manager Suite system shows messages similar to the following when this issue occurs:
[ERROR 2022-05-17 12:59:41,736 482846ms UiHelper_Grid ] Error retrieving data (f8c83f35-fe98-47a0-bf94-4ec2a7409b52) System.InvalidOperationException: The result collection contains duplicate objects. at DevExpress.Xpo.Helpers.ObjectCollectionLoader.EndLoadObjects(LoadObjectsContext loadObjectsContext, ICollection[] objs, Boolean proceesStubs) [...] at DevExpress.Data.Helpers.ServerModeKeyedCache.FetchInIndexerCore(Int32 index) [ERROR 2022-05-17 12:59:41,783 482893ms UnhandledErrors ] An unexpected error occurred (f8c85f35-fe48-4780-be94-4ecca7409b52) ManageSoft.Compliance.ComplianceException: An error occurred retrieving grid data, see log for details at Flexera.Web.Core.Display.UiHelper_Grid.GridDataRetrievalError(Object sender, Exception e) at DevExpress.Data.Linq.LinqServerModeDataSourceView.OnExceptionThrown(ServerModeExceptionThrownEventArgs e) [...] at DevExpress.Web.ASPxWebControl.System.Web.UI.ICallbackEventHandler.GetCallbackResult() [ERROR 2022-05-17 12:59:42,111 483221ms ClientErrors ] Client error. [ RequestUID: f8c83f35-fe98-47a0-bf94-4ec2a7409b52 URL: https://fnms.acme.com/Suite/Applications/Edit/-373375?originUrl=%2FSuite%2FApplications%2FList%2FAll#Evidence Context URL: /Suite/Applications/Edit_Evidence_Installer_Grid/-373375?originUrl=%2FSuite%2FApplications%2FList%2FAll Line: Column: Referrer: https://fnms.acme.com/Suite/Applications/List/All Screen dimensions: 1280x720 User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/101.0.4951.67 Safari/537.36 User language: Platform: Win32 Cookies enabled: true Do not track: Message: Internal Server Error Stack: ]
Queries like the following can be executed against the compliance database to identify evidence/application links which may trigger this issue to occur. These queries identify the IDs of installer and file evidence records and associated application (software title) records that are linked multiple times:
; WITH p AS ( SELECT SoftwareTitleID, InstallerEvidenceID FROM dbo.SoftwareTitleInstallerEvidence GROUP BY SoftwareTitleID, InstallerEvidenceID HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) SELECT sti.SoftwareTitleID, sti.SoftwareTitleName, ie.InstallerEvidenceID, ie.DisplayName, ie.Version, ie.Publisher FROM p JOIN dbo.SoftwareTitleInfoLimited sti ON sti.SoftwareTitleID = p.SoftwareTitleID JOIN dbo.InstallerEvidence ie ON ie.InstallerEvidenceID = p.InstallerEvidenceID ; WITH p AS ( SELECT SoftwareTitleID, FileEvidenceID FROM dbo.SoftwareTitleFileEvidence GROUP BY SoftwareTitleID, FileEvidenceID HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) SELECT sti.SoftwareTitleID, sti.SoftwareTitleName, fe.FileEvidenceID, fe.FileName FROM p JOIN dbo.SoftwareTitleInfoLimited sti ON sti.SoftwareTitleID = p.SoftwareTitleID JOIN dbo.FileEvidence fe ON fe.FileEvidenceID = p.FileEvidenceID
This issue has been fixed in the following FlexNet Manager Suite releases: 2023 R2 (On Premises), 2023 R2.1 / Jan 2024 (Cloud)
Affected components: Web UI
Master issue ID: IOK-991093
Also known as: ITAM-403
Oct 06, 2022 02:38 AM - edited Feb 07, 2024 01:27 AM
Not just FlexNet Manager Suite, this also happens in FlexeraOne/IT Asset Management.