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FNEME Agent doesn't show up in FNMEA dashoard.


User doesn't have Agent Access. Login as the user, with role "Super Administrator".
1. Open FNMEA web-UI and login.

2. Click on "Agent access" under Admin.Agent Access.PNG

3. In "Agent Access Rights Management" page click on required Agent name.AgentAccessRightsManagement.PNG

4. In "Edit Agent Access Rights" page, select the user(for example: username - 'Tester 'wants to see the Agent in the dashboard) from "All Users" and move it to "Selected Users" by clicking the arrow.

Edit Agent Access Rights.PNGEdit Agent Access Rights1.PNG

5. Click on Save and logout.

6. Login with 'Tester' and check if Agent is displayed in the dashboard.

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Last update:
‎Nov 22, 2019 03:09 PM
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