Jun 02, 2018 01:02 PM
Is this information correct for a later version like 2018 R1? I don't understand the role the OU has in the import since I have not configured anything in FNMS to select an OU to use for Active Directory imports.
This article describe the query used to retrieve user information. A more complete set of LDAP queries used is as follows:
Queries to retrieve the following organizational structure properties: distinguishedName, objectGUID, gPOptions
(|(objectCategory=organizationalUnit)(objectCategory=container)(objectCategory=msExchConfigurationContainer)(objectCategory=lostAndFound)) (objectCategory=builtinDomain)
Query to retrieve the following user properties: cn, distinguishedName, sAMAccountName, mail, objectGUID, objectSid, userAccountControl
Query to retrieve the following computer proprieties: cn, distinguishedName, objectGUID, objectSid
Query to retrieve the following group properties: distinguishedName, objectGUID, objectSid, sAMAccountName
Query to retrieve the following sites properties: distinguishedName, cn
Query to retrieve the following subnet properties for each site returned from the previous query: distinguishedName, cn
Will this also work after?