Flexnet admin and reporting does not start as a service on RHEL platform
1. Install FNMEA 2016 R2 on RHEL Platform.
2. Copy the flexnet-service scripts of admin and reporting from ../site to etc/init.d folder.
3. Try to bring up admin, reporting server as service using "flexnet-service start" command.
However the application starts when we run 'flexnet start' from command line.
Flexnet-service starts as an application not as a service on RHEL
Follow these steps to install the application as a service.:
1) Copy <install dir>/site/server/bin/init.d/ to /etc/init.d changing the name to what you want the service to be named (admin and reporting must have different names).
2) Copy <install dir>/site/server/bin/init.d/wildfly.conf to /etc/default changing the name to the <service name>.conf
3) Make the following changes to /etc/init.d/<service name>
? # pidfile: /var/run/wildfly/<service name>.pid
? JBOSS_CONF=?/etc/default/<service name>.conf
4) Make the following changes to /etc/default/<service name>.conf
? JBOSS_PIDFILE=/var/run/wildfly/<service name>.pid
5) Run as Service:
- Run this command from /etc/init.d/chkconfig --add <service name>)
- Run this command from /etc/init.d/./<service name> start