Hello, I noticed that in my environment FNMS2019R2. Most of my beacons are not downloading Agent packages (upgrade and adoption) When I check the packageretriever log for downloads it shows it is not trying to download the available files. So there are no errors.
What triggers the beacon to download package files? I tried restarting the services but no differences.
Dec 12, 2019 06:23 AM
Hi Ronald,
In Discovery & Inventory - Settings, take a look at:
What options have you set in this? There were changes in 2019 R2 to allow you to choose what operating systems are auto upgraded to what version.
If all are set Not to Upgrade or if as above you have it to go only to certain targets but don't select any then I believe packages are not downloaded.
Once changes are made, then the previous setting which showed beacon update interval would come into play (unless you restart the beacon engine service to speed things along).
Hope this helps.
Dec 12, 2019 12:08 PM
Hi Ronald,
I believe restarting the Beacon service should trigger that, but that's not the answer you are looking for 🙂
Would you think, this is part of the Beacon setting?
Best regards,
Dec 12, 2019 08:16 AM
Thanks, Markward. Indeed that what i would expect but as you where expecting it didn't work:-)
Actually i did also tried to set the approved version for the Beacon software but that and your setting neither helps.
Dec 12, 2019 09:06 AM
Manually launching the Beacon UI will force the beacon to download the current Policy File.
If you go to the Parent Connection page of the beacon, does the Test Connection work for both Upload and Download?
Dec 12, 2019 10:03 AM
Thanks, but there is no issue with downloading the policy. Also test connections and in general connections are fine. Beacon overview also shows no errors and up to date.
Dec 12, 2019 10:18 AM - edited Dec 12, 2019 10:19 AM
restarting the beacon engine service should tell the packageretriever to attempt a download by default, it's not instant but it should commence within about 10 min tops in my experience.
one thing to verify is what account your beacon service is running under, it may be generating a packageretriever log in another location (check the last modified date on the packageretreiver file you have located already, it should be up to date):
its also worth checking this key in the registry as you can customise the logfile location as well, by default it goes to the temporary folder of whatever use runs the beacon service but you can change it also, I guess you could change this to c:\beaconlogs\packageretreiver.log and restart the beaconengine service if you are having problems tracking the correct logfile down.
Dec 12, 2019 11:39 AM
Thanks David, I double checked these settings are all good.
Dec 13, 2019 03:27 AM
Hi Ronald,
In Discovery & Inventory - Settings, take a look at:
What options have you set in this? There were changes in 2019 R2 to allow you to choose what operating systems are auto upgraded to what version.
If all are set Not to Upgrade or if as above you have it to go only to certain targets but don't select any then I believe packages are not downloaded.
Once changes are made, then the previous setting which showed beacon update interval would come into play (unless you restart the beacon engine service to speed things along).
Hope this helps.
Dec 12, 2019 12:08 PM
Dec 13, 2019 04:05 AM
Hi Matt,
One more question:
I noticed many of my beacons did not receive the agent upgrade package. Al tough I have configured the approved version and 1 Subnet in my target for upgrade.
Does the Beacon (policy) checks if the upgrade package is set to its own subnet and only then downloads the packages? Or is the Beacon less smart and is the file published to every Beacon out there?
And that would means something else is causing my agent upgrade from beacon blocked to some of my Beacons.
( I did notice my Beaconpolicy contains the packages: <Package FullName="Package/Flexera/Upgrade/14.0.0/Rev1.0/Flexera Inventory Beacon Upgrade/Flexera Inventory Beacon Upgrade" Version="14.0.0" BuildNumberString="52" PackageTypeID="6" RelativeURLToOSD="/Packages/Flexera/Upgrade/14.0.0/Rev1.0/Flexera Inventory Beacon Upgrade/Flexera Inventory Beacon Upgrade.osd" UseInAgentPolicy="false" />
<Package FullName="Package/Flexera/Upgrade/14.0.0/Rev1.0/Upgrade for managed devices/Upgrade for managed devices" Version="14.0.0" BuildNumberString="" PackageTypeID="2" RelativeURLToOSD="/Packages/Flexera/Upgrade/14.0.0/Rev1.0/Upgrade for managed devices/Upgrade for managed devices.osd" UseInAgentPolicy="true" />
Dec 18, 2019 02:50 AM - edited Dec 18, 2019 03:06 AM
Hi @Ronny_OO7 ,
Where it has UseInAgentPolicy="true" I would expect the packages to download for those so I would check the packageretriever log to see if there are errors.
While I'm not 100% certain, I believe that if you set it to go only to certain targets and that target has subnets where none of them are assigned to the beacon, then yes, this could stop it. If that target contains multiple subnets (assuming the target is configured based on subnets) then I would expect that if at least one of them is assigned to the beacon it should download.
To be safe, I'd make sure all subnets are allocated to the beacon and see if that helps.
Dec 18, 2019 12:19 PM
HI Matt,
Thanks for your response. The packageretreiver log was already checked with no errors. And yes on a few Beacon I do see the packages. Can you raise this question with engineering? As I would like to understand how it is designed. And what expected behavior should be.
Dec 19, 2019 04:19 AM - edited Dec 19, 2019 04:20 AM
Jan 06, 2020 08:07 AM
HI Matt,
did you get an response?
Feb 25, 2020 05:38 AM
We experience the same issue on Beacons running 2019R2.
Why are the upgrade folders only populated with folders of the Agents containing only one file of 0KB file.
Feb 28, 2020 05:49 AM