we have built two reports with the same filters (the firtst one was built 2 months ago, the second in the last couple days. The second one was built, because i forgot the first Report 😉 ). The reports show us hardware informations and installed applications of our inventory devices. In both reports are the same devices, however for some devices there is a distinction with the number of installations. In the older report the device has 110 installations over all. the newer one shows 1100 installations. As described, there are only some devices which have this phenomenon. The distinction between the devices is always factor 10. Do you have any idea what could be the reason for this result?
Kind Regards Marcel
‎Apr 25, 2019 06:24 AM
Hi Marcel,
Would it be possible for you to share a couple of screenshots for each report (from the report builder as well as from the UI)?
Thank you,
‎Apr 25, 2019 07:03 AM