Good day
We are experiencing an issue at a customer when installing the linux agent on a SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 12.3 (x86 64-bit).
All files are correct in the /var/tmp directory.
Permissions on the mgsft files are set as 777
When installing the agent, it fails to read the mgsft_rollout_response file. The end result on the screen says agent has been installed without a configuration file.
Can you advise
‎May 29, 2019 05:54 AM
‎May 30, 2019 05:24 AM
This file has a .txt extension. Have you only added that for the purposes of uploading here or does the rollout response file in /var/tmp also have this file extension? Either way, it should have not such an extension. Also, the the EOL characters in this file are Windows (CR LF). They should be UNIX (LF). Again, is this because you saved on a windows box for the purpose of uploading here or does the file in /var/tmp have these characters? If the EOL characters are Windows then this file will not be read by the installer. Ensure that the EOL characters are UNIX (LF).
‎May 30, 2019 10:16 AM - edited ‎May 30, 2019 04:42 PM
Hi @ppuddick - I know that i uploaded it with a .txt extension. That was just for viewing as i could not upload the original unix format file. All files that are on the server are in UNIX format.
‎May 31, 2019 02:16 AM
I have the same exact problem as @iammanzi with Ubuntu on 2019 R2 agent (14.0), tested with Ubuntu16.04 server as well as 20.04 desktop. I tested with CentOS and the same mgsft_rollout_response file works there. The line endings in the file are LF.
However installation results in "...installed without configuration" and mgsft_rollout_response is left intact in /var/tmp/
I used standard command for installation:
dpkg --install managesoft_14.0.0_amd64.deb
‎Sep 30, 2020 09:39 AM
This is solved now, apparently you need to have "mgsft_rollout_response" file and all installation files exactly under "/var/tmp". If you have files in for example "/var/tmp/installationfiles" folder it will not work.
‎Oct 06, 2020 09:17 AM