The product below is Red Hat products for support. The SKU's are not recognized in FNM. Should, I be listing these titles in FNM and if so, where can I find the SKU's that work for these products?
Confirmed Stateside Support for OpenShift -MCT3840 - Service
Confirmed Stateside Support for Middleware -MCT3842 - Service
Confirmed Stateside Support for Platform -MCT3837 - Service
Confirmed Stateside Support for Management -MCT 3841 - Service
Confirmed Stateside Support for Gluster Storage - MCT3838 - Service
Jan 15, 2021 10:00 AM
You should be able to get the correct SKU's from your software vendor. (I quickly Google'd and found some of these and the numbers included in your text are not the proper SKU's...)
If the correct SKU's are not recognized you can follow the process outlined in How to Suggest Changes to the ARL SKU Library or PURL? to request them being added...
Jan 18, 2021 07:59 AM
You should be able to get the correct SKU's from your software vendor. (I quickly Google'd and found some of these and the numbers included in your text are not the proper SKU's...)
If the correct SKU's are not recognized you can follow the process outlined in How to Suggest Changes to the ARL SKU Library or PURL? to request them being added...
Jan 18, 2021 07:59 AM