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Re: A "Download failure: 404 Network error" error is present in the Agent Installation log.

Are these entries in the Azure Beacon’s log something we should be worried about?


[11/14/2022 9:33:49 AM (G, 0)] {11584}


[11/14/2022 9:33:49 AM (G, 0)] {11584} Program path is “C:\Program Files (x86)\Flexera Software\Inventory Beacon\Launcher\ndlaunch”

[11/14/2022 9:33:49 AM (G, 0)] {11584} Program version is “FlexNet Manager Platform 18.7”

[11/14/2022 9:33:49 AM (G, 0)] {11584} Program build number is “8.895”

[11/14/2022 9:33:49 AM (G, 0)] {11584} Program arguments are “-r "$(DownloadRootURL)/Policies/Merged/XXX_domain/Machine/XXX1.XX?machinename=XXXn1&ipaddress=XXXXXXX" -o PkgType=Policy -o InstallProfile=Public -o "UserInteractionLevel=Quiet"”

[11/14/2022 9:33:49 AM (G, 0)] {11584} Program user is “SYSTEM”

[11/14/2022 9:33:49 AM (G, 0)] {11584} System locale is "eng-US"

[11/14/2022 9:33:49 AM (G, 0)] {11584} System platform is "WinNT", version is "6,2,0,0"

[11/14/2022 9:33:49 AM (G, 0)] {11584}


[11/14/2022 9:33:49 AM (N, 2)] {11584} Prioritizing download servers

[11/14/2022 9:33:49 AM (N, 2)] {11584} Starting to prioritize servers from "HKLM\Software\ManageSoft Corp\ManageSoft\Common\DownloadSettings"

[11/14/2022 9:33:49 AM (N, 2)] {11584} Applying prioritization algorithm "MgsRandom" with parameters ""

[11/14/2022 9:33:49 AM (N, 2)] {11584} Applying prioritization algorithm "MgsPing" with parameters ""

[11/14/2022 9:33:58 AM (N, 2)] {11584} Applying prioritization algorithm "MgsADSiteMatch" with parameters ""

[11/14/2022 9:33:58 AM (U, 19)] {11584} The local DC for this computer is (Address): \\XXXX

[11/14/2022 9:33:58 AM (U, 19)] {11584} The local DC for this computer is (Name): \\XXXX

[11/14/2022 9:33:58 AM (N, 2)] {11584} Cannot find AD site for this computer

[11/14/2022 9:33:58 AM (N, 2)] {11584} Finished prioritizing servers

[11/14/2022 9:33:58 AM (G, 1)] {11584} Base URL appended to the list

[11/14/2022 9:33:58 AM (G, 0)] {11584}


[11/14/2022 9:33:58 AM (Y, 0)] {11584} Set symbol “MainCmdLine” to value “"C:\Program Files (x86)\Flexera Software\Inventory Beacon\Launcher\ndlaunch.exe" -r $(DownloadRootURL)/Policies/Merged/XXXX_domain/Machine/XXXXon1.npl?machinename=XXXXn1&ipaddress=XXXXXX -o PkgType=Policy -o InstallProfile=Public -o UserInteractionLevel=Quiet”

[11/14/2022 9:33:58 AM (Y, 0)] {11584} Set symbol “PkgType” to value “Policy”

[11/14/2022 9:33:58 AM (Y, 0)] {11584} Set symbol “InstallProfile” to value “Public”

[11/14/2022 9:33:58 AM (Y, 0)] {11584} Set symbol “UserInteractionLevel” to value “Quiet”

[11/14/2022 9:33:58 AM (G, 1)] {11584} Base URL will be used

[11/14/2022 9:33:58 AM (N, 0)] {11584} Downloading to “C:\Windows\TEMP\NDL17226.npl”

[11/14/2022 9:33:59 AM (G, 0)] {11584}   Download failure: Error 0xE0500194: 404 Not Found

[11/14/2022 9:33:59 AM (N, 0)] {11584} Download FAILED for

[11/14/2022 9:33:59 AM (N, 0)] {11584} Downloading,169.XXXX to “C:\Windows\TEMP\NDL17226.npl”

[11/14/2022 9:33:59 AM (G, 0)] {11584}   Download failure: Error 0xE0500194: 404 Not Found

[11/14/2022 9:33:59 AM (U, 0)] {11584} ERROR: Error (s107m855)

[11/14/2022 9:33:59 AM (U, 0)] {11584} ----------------

[11/14/2022 9:33:59 AM (U, 0)] {11584} The web server or proxy from which ManageSoft

is attempting to retrieve the application

returned the following HTTP error message:


       Error 0xE0500194: 404 Not Found


Contact your network administrator or the

originating site's Webmaster for assistance.


[11/14/2022 9:33:59 AM (N, 0)] {11584} Download FAILED for

[11/14/2022 9:33:59 AM (U, 0)] {11584} QUERY: Cannot download file

[11/14/2022 9:33:59 AM (U, 0)] {11584} ----------------

[11/14/2022 9:33:59 AM (U, 0)] {11584} The download was interrupted while retrieving file



Do you wish FlexNet Manager Platform to attempt to retrieve the file again?

[11/14/2022 9:33:59 AM (U, 0)] {11584} ----------------

[11/14/2022 9:33:59 AM (U, 0)] {11584} RESPONSE: Cancel


[11/14/2022 9:33:59 AM (G, 0)] {11584} Program exited with code 1

(2) Replies
By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

This logging suggests that the agent components in the beacon are being run, but have not yet been configured to download agent policy details from the beacon itself. As a result, the agent is attempting to download policy details from the beacon's parent in the Flexera One ITAM cloud environment, which will fail as shown in the log - it is not possible to download agent policy details from the Flexera One ITAM cloud environment.

If you are really wanting the agent components to be operational on this computer, then executing a command like the following (with local administrator rights) will normally work to bootstrap the agent configuration into an operational state:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Flexera Software\Inventory Beacon\Policy Client\mgspolicy.exe" -t Machine -o DownloadRootURL=http://localhost/ManageSoftDL

I believe there can be some slightly strange behaviors that go on when the agent components are configured to be operational on beacons, but the generally work OK for most purposes.

(Did my reply solve the question? Click "ACCEPT AS SOLUTION" to help others find answers faster. Liked something? Click "KUDO". Anything expressed here is my own view and not necessarily that of my employer, Flexera.)


This is a Policy log,  for the beacon agent if you need this agent to report on your front end then yes this is an issue, the agent cannot directly talk to the core system you need to redirect the agent to a beacon to get policy