The "Consumed" number of O365 E3 licenses in FNMS (via the O365 connector) is ~150 greater that what we can see in Azure AD. I know the connector pulls from the "Graph API" but does any one know why it may differ from Azure AD? The customer is preparing for a True Up and carries very little buffer of spare licenses so they want to be as close as possible to the true number.
For most of the other O365 licenses they match exactly or are within 1 or 2 which is fine and may just be a timing issue.
‎May 20, 2020 09:45 AM
Azure only counts the number of licenses assigned to a user. Flexera counts those users, but also any computers assigned to a user. We have one user who is consuming 27 licenses because he has 135 computers assigned to him. The problem is that in the license set up by the O365 connector they mark the "Allocations consume license entitlements" option on "Use Rights & Rules" tab. Then under Right of Multiple User they have set "One entitlement may allow an end-user to access a number of installations" to 5. So this combination will count every computer assigned to a user whether or not the application is actually installed.
Flexera says this is correct since the end user could access O365 applications on any one of those computers. But I keep arguing with them that they should only count the devices that have the applications installed on them.
To fix this issue I tried unchecking the "Allocations consume license entitlements" box, but each time the O365 connector runs, it sets it back to checked. But it does not change the "Right of Multiple Use" option, so I just changed that to "One entitlement allows an end-user to access unlimited installations" and ran a reconcile. That should give you a number equal (or at least closer to) the Azure number.
‎May 26, 2020 08:52 AM
What is an O365 connector? Is this through Saas Manager? Could you help me point to documentation that will enable me to connect my Office365 portal to FNMS (2019 r2)
‎May 26, 2020 08:22 AM
‎May 26, 2020 08:45 AM
Azure only counts the number of licenses assigned to a user. Flexera counts those users, but also any computers assigned to a user. We have one user who is consuming 27 licenses because he has 135 computers assigned to him. The problem is that in the license set up by the O365 connector they mark the "Allocations consume license entitlements" option on "Use Rights & Rules" tab. Then under Right of Multiple User they have set "One entitlement may allow an end-user to access a number of installations" to 5. So this combination will count every computer assigned to a user whether or not the application is actually installed.
Flexera says this is correct since the end user could access O365 applications on any one of those computers. But I keep arguing with them that they should only count the devices that have the applications installed on them.
To fix this issue I tried unchecking the "Allocations consume license entitlements" box, but each time the O365 connector runs, it sets it back to checked. But it does not change the "Right of Multiple Use" option, so I just changed that to "One entitlement allows an end-user to access unlimited installations" and ran a reconcile. That should give you a number equal (or at least closer to) the Azure number.
‎May 26, 2020 08:52 AM
‎May 27, 2020 08:07 AM
As of the PURL release #450 (May 1, 2020), licenses created for key O365 applications have the "One entitlement allows an end-user to access unlimited installations" option checked as @EHacking has described:
If you created licenses using an earlier version of the PURL, you can update the setting on them manually - or reviewing and accepting recommended licenses changes may also pick this up this change for you.
‎Jun 02, 2020 12:35 AM