Is there a way to tell FNMS connector to keep inventory even if SCCM lets the device drop out of inventory?
We have some assets which will be turned off for 6 months. The duration of time will be long enough to cause the device to stop inventory and will likely be removed from SCCM. When this happens FNMS normally removes the inventory link.
Is there a way to tell FNMS to keep the inventory and not drop it if SCCM does?
Best regards,
‎May 19, 2020 05:46 PM
‎May 19, 2020 09:19 PM
I have a customer just doing this. Inventories are not removed when SCCM removes them, but when a CMDB says they have been decommissioned. Works ok, but as mentioned by @ChrisG, there are risks involved.
Best regards,
‎May 27, 2020 04:05 AM