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Discovered Device Properties-Inventory Evidence TAB


We are facing this issue while checking inventory evidence under all discovered tab. Inventory is coming from flexnet agent.

(4) Replies

I don't think this is an issue.  To see inventory, you'd look at Inventory devices (under "All Inventory", for example), not Discovered devices (under All Discovered Devices).  I see exactly the same message as you when I look at a discovered device that I know has been inventoried.


In that case, you have also some issue if unable to see for agent communicated inventory.

Its working fine for our Dev env. Issue is coming in prod. Refer my screenshot from dev.



By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

Not seeing evidence on a discovered device record suggests that this particular record was not created based on inventory gathered by the FlexNet inventory agent. For example, maybe the record was created through some other discovery process.

Discovered device records do not get merged and processed in the same way as inventory device records. Generally when you're looking at evidence details, you will want to look at inventory devices.

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Yes you are correct however some of evidence are not available in all inventory.