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Determining which Technopedia GUID is associated with each ARL Flexera ID


Is it possible to determine which Technopedia GUID is associated with each commercial Flexera ID in the ARL?

(5) Replies
By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

Yes, if you have both the Flexera products Technopedia and FlexNet Manager Suite (FNMS) then the Technopedia Connector can be used to bring data from Technopedia into FNMS.

You can then run reports to get insight into the relationships between software product & release data in Technopedia and applications in the ARL.

See the following documentation about this connector: Using the Technopedia Connector (2022 R2)

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Is this connector only for FNMS On-Premise?

Any solution for Flexera One - IT Asset Management?

Yes, the Technopedia Connector is only available with FlexNet Manager Suite (On-premises).

Unfortunately there is no similar relationship that is tracked or able to be reported in Flexera One ITAM.

(Did my reply solve the question? Click "ACCEPT AS SOLUTION" to help others find answers faster. Liked something? Click "KUDO". Anything expressed here is my own view and not necessarily that of my employer, Flexera.)

Well, that's a bummer.

I'd think this capability would be available first for your Flexera One customers that have both IT Visibility and ITAM (unless I don't have the complete picture). 

On an unrelated note, I submitted an Idea for this capability to be available for ITAM customers.

Please vote, everyone!


This slide provides an example with a screen shot of the planned IT Visibility feature where you can combine the Technopedia GUID and the ARL Flexera ID which I think will address your needs:


This is still provided with limited availability only and with the expectation to get it fully featured and released in Q1 2023, although release plans may change obviously.
