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Cognos Analytics Install error

I am currently trying to install Cognos analytics for 2019 R2. I am using the answer file and running the power shell script but get an error that "Cognos Analytics server requires a SQL Server". I have the file pointing towards the database server and even validate the file was similar to our dev environment. Any help is appreciated.

(5) Replies
By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

Can you post a screenshot or log file showing the error?

That may help to identify exactly what part of the system & process the error is coming from, and hence what can be done about it.

(Did my reply solve the question? Click "ACCEPT AS SOLUTION" to help others find answers faster. Liked something? Click "KUDO". Anything expressed here is my own view and not necessarily that of my employer, Flexera.)

How have you configured the CognosConfigProperties.xml file to identify the location of the SQL Server?  The server location with an HTTP URL does not look correct to connect to your SQL Server instance.  The address should look like the following within the ConfigProperties:

<property name="ContentStoreDatabaseLocation" value="MDCOAP103500:1433"/>

Same error



OK, then next we need to look at your network/configuration settings:

From your SQL Server DBA, have them verify the following about the SQL Server instance:

1) The TCP/IP Network Protocol is enabled

2) Is it running on the default port of 1433 or a different port

3) It is using the default SQL Server Instance Name, or is it running on a difference instance?


Verify that internally you have no firewalls/proxy servers that would block SQL Server connections between the Cognos Server and the SQL Server


Verify that on the Cognos Server you have the required SQL Server Client Connectivity tools installed