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Checking to see if Server can reach FMNS

Is there a command you can run from a Server in our environment to see if it can reach FMNS?

(3) Replies


By FNMS, I assume that you mean the FNMS Inventory Beacon Server?

A simple test would be "NSLOOKUP beaconhostname" to test the network connectivity to the Beacon.


"nslookup" actually just checks the DNS server. From that you can tell if you can resolve the server name. It is not enough to make a statement regarding connectivity.

I usually use "telnet": telnet <Beacon> <Port>

Someone just mentioned a nice alternative in PowerShell, the cmdlet "Test-NetConnection".

On other operating systems you'll have to stick to the "local stuff".


There are several ways to check the connectivity between your server and beacon.

As communication is on tcp port 80 or 443, you can check for windows 2012 up with powershell

Test-NetConnection -Port 443 -computername (your beacon fqdn)

Or you can use portquery executable for window

Or you can open IE and writhe http(s)://beaconfqdn

And you should see the IIS page from beacon, if you use IIS, I always us IIS

For example I use a simple .html file that is published under the root and when I open https://mybeacon/test.html It will say, you reach the beacon x

In this way I can test it from windows, linux, what ever, and I can see if https is working ok and not generating error.