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AWS Powershell Integration on Beacon

I upgraded the beacons and I have an error coming from the AWS integration complaining that the accesskey can't be converted to a securestring and it's failing at the test-connection procedure.

I can still run cmdlets in the ps shell without issue on the same machine and pull the data using the same cmdlets in the documentation. Not even sure what the issue is. I looked at the readers and it looks fine.

(1) Solution
By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

I have heard a report that this problem only happens when testing the connection in the beacon UI, but doesn't affect the actual import process. If you save the connection details before pressing the Test button then it should be OK and the connection will still work during the import process (assuming the correct details have been entered).

If anybody gets a chance to verify this observation, please post your experiences here!

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(16) Replies


I  also facing same issue while integrating with AWS. Right now we are using version FNMS 2021R1.

The value for 'Access Key' is not valid.


PowerShell method 'Test-Connection' failed
Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'accessKey'. Cannot convert the "XXXXXXXX" value of type "System.String" to type "System.Security.SecureString".


Sreerama Yenuga

This is a bit of a wild guess, but I wonder whether this problem is related to the PowerShell version that is installed on the beacon.

What output do you get if you open a PowerShell window and enter the following:



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Dear Chris,

PS C:\Program Files (x86)\WindowsPowerShell> $PSVersionTable

Name Value
---- -----
PSVersion 5.1.17763.2090
PSEdition Desktop
PSCompatibleVersions {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...}
BuildVersion 10.0.17763.2090
CLRVersion 4.0.30319.42000
WSManStackVersion 3.0
PSRemotingProtocolVersion 2.3

Same credentials are working on other environment version FNMS 2020R1. 

Which is upgraded version FNMS 2021R1 facing this issue.


Sreerama Yenuga. 

Dear Chris,


Do we required to install any additional, Could you please help on this.


Sreerama Yenuga 

I'm running 5.1. It works fine on version 16, but upgrade to 17 and it breaks. The current workaround is to use version 16 for AWS and anything else that happens to break after upgrade. I also rebuilt a beacon and same issue. I upgraded one manually and added the aws integration in per specification and it also breaks. All logs and errors produced by the beacon and see on the CLI shows there is an issue at the beacon for version 17 at least in my experience.

Dear Chris,

When will get the permanent fix for this, please let us know then we will plan production Upgrade.


Sreerama Yenuga

I have confirmed what you and I are seeing is a bug with support. I have also identified other bugs on top that will essentially stop the integration from working on the CLI as well on the upgraded beacons. I have a call this morning with support to collect more data before it heads over to an engineer.

Hi All,

Even I am using the same beacon version 17 and I getting the same error while integrating the AWS with Beacon; especially when clicking on test connection.

For testing purpose, i saved the creds and executed the adapter. It worked fine. But in the logs its says the adapter can read the data from AWS. And its not able to write\ create the file for importing.



Vishnu Priyan

By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

I have heard a report that this problem only happens when testing the connection in the beacon UI, but doesn't affect the actual import process. If you save the connection details before pressing the Test button then it should be OK and the connection will still work during the import process (assuming the correct details have been entered).

If anybody gets a chance to verify this observation, please post your experiences here!

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Dear Chris,

Thanks for your advice, it's working fine and gathering the inventory.

May i know when can fix this issue.


Sreerama Yenuga

That's great to have the confirmation - that will help others who are encountering the same thing! Thanks for sharing.

I have not seen anything that indicates a specific timeframe for when the "test connection" behavior may be fixed sorry.

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Dear Chris,


AWS reconciliation taking time more than 60Min, But Flexera suggested to schedule AWS import  every 30 min. How we need to workout this issue. If we put every 30 min max times it's failing. 


Sreerama Yenuga 

@sreeramyenuga - it doesn't sound like that issue is related to the problem testing the connection that is being discussed in this topic. I would suggest posting a new topic to see if anybody has insight on the time taken by AWS imports.

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Good day


Has a resolution been found for this? 

The issue with testing the AWS connection has been marked to be fixed in the next FlexNet Manager Suite On-premises release. In the meantime, simply avoid using the Test Connection button: as described in this thread, the inability to test the connection when configuring the connection details in the UI will not negatively affect the actual import process.

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By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

For reference, here is an article about the issue discussed in this thread: Known Issue: Test Connection button fails when configuring connection to AWS (IOJ-2219141)

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